Carson City
10/04/2021 Agenda with Supporting Material
Day: Monday
Date: October 4, 2021
Time: Beginning at 5:30 pm
Location: Community Center, Robert "Bob" Crowell Board Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
The State of Nevada and Carson City are currently in a declared State of Emergency in response to the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease outbreak. In accordance with the applicable Directives issued under authority of the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency, including Directive 045 and 047, and subject to any potential changes in state or federal mandates or guidelines, face coverings are required to be worn when attending this meeting in person.
Members of the public who wish only to view the meeting but do NOT plan to make public comment may watch the livestream of the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee meeting at and by clicking on “In progress” next to the meeting date, or by tuning in to cable channel 191. Livestream of the meeting is provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to the public. Carson City does not give any assurance or guarantee that the livestream or cable channel access will be reliable. Although all reasonable efforts will be made to provide livestream, unanticipated technical difficulties beyond the control of City staff may delay, interrupt or render unavailable continuous livestream capability.
The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: or via mail to the Planning Division at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, NV 89701. For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be received by the Planning Division not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Determination of Quorum
2. Public Comment
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
3. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - September 7, 2021
4. Meeting Items
4.A RDA-2021-0133 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed recommendation to the Redevelopment Authority regarding the expenditure of up to $30,000 from the Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2022 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for a new sign at the Marv Teixeira Pavilion located at Mills Park, 851 East William Street within Redevelopment Area No. 1. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: All expenditures from the Redevelopment Revolving Fund must be authorized by the Redevelopment Authority and the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation from the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee. The Redevelopment Authority budgeted $30,000 for the Marv Teixeira Pavilion sign replacement in FY 2021. As the funds were not used, they were rolled into the FY 2022 Undesignated account. The applicant has advised that the cost of the signs fabrication and installation will be a time and materials contract and is therefore seeking permission to spend the budgeted amount.
4.B For Discussion Only: Discussion and presentation regarding improvements to the Bob Boldrick Theater, the City’s pool deck, and the Fuji Park sound system located at 851 E William Street, 841 N Roop Street, and 601 Old Clear Creek Road respectively. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2021, $52,000 in redevelopment money was allocated to the resurface the City pool decks and in FY 2019, $252,996 in redevelopment money was allocated to make improvements in the Bob Boldrick Theater and $44,754 was allocated to install a new sound system at Fuji Park. These improvements are now complete. Staff will present information regarding these improvements.
5. Discussion Only:
Staff reports and updates on matters relating to the RACC. (Hope Sullivan)
- Future agenda items for the next RACC meeting.
- RACC member reports and comments.
6. Public Comment:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
7. For Possible Action: Adjournment
Agenda Management Notice: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS – The Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee will, as called to order, each provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. Public comment will be taken at the beginning of the agenda before any action is taken and again at the end before adjournment. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Chair may call for or allow additional individual-item public comment at the time of the body’s consideration of the item when: (1) the comment will be provided from a person who is directly involved with the item, such as City staff or an applicant; or (2) it involves any person’s or entity’s due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person or topic at the discretion of the Chair in order to facilitate the meeting.
For Further Information
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
This agenda and supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City Website -
State Website -
Day: Monday
Date: October 4, 2021
Time: Beginning at 5:30 pm
Location: Community Center, Robert "Bob" Crowell Board Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
The State of Nevada and Carson City are currently in a declared State of Emergency in response to the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease outbreak. In accordance with the applicable Directives issued under authority of the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency, including Directive 045 and 047, and subject to any potential changes in state or federal mandates or guidelines, face coverings are required to be worn when attending this meeting in person.
Members of the public who wish only to view the meeting but do NOT plan to make public comment may watch the livestream of the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee meeting at and by clicking on “In progress” next to the meeting date, or by tuning in to cable channel 191. Livestream of the meeting is provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to the public. Carson City does not give any assurance or guarantee that the livestream or cable channel access will be reliable. Although all reasonable efforts will be made to provide livestream, unanticipated technical difficulties beyond the control of City staff may delay, interrupt or render unavailable continuous livestream capability.
The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: or via mail to the Planning Division at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, NV 89701. For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be received by the Planning Division not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Determination of Quorum
2. Public Comment
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
3. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - September 7, 2021
4. Meeting Items
4.A RDA-2021-0133 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed recommendation to the Redevelopment Authority regarding the expenditure of up to $30,000 from the Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2022 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for a new sign at the Marv Teixeira Pavilion located at Mills Park, 851 East William Street within Redevelopment Area No. 1. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: All expenditures from the Redevelopment Revolving Fund must be authorized by the Redevelopment Authority and the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation from the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee. The Redevelopment Authority budgeted $30,000 for the Marv Teixeira Pavilion sign replacement in FY 2021. As the funds were not used, they were rolled into the FY 2022 Undesignated account. The applicant has advised that the cost of the signs fabrication and installation will be a time and materials contract and is therefore seeking permission to spend the budgeted amount.
4.B For Discussion Only: Discussion and presentation regarding improvements to the Bob Boldrick Theater, the City’s pool deck, and the Fuji Park sound system located at 851 E William Street, 841 N Roop Street, and 601 Old Clear Creek Road respectively. (Hope Sullivan,
Summary: In Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2021, $52,000 in redevelopment money was allocated to the resurface the City pool decks and in FY 2019, $252,996 in redevelopment money was allocated to make improvements in the Bob Boldrick Theater and $44,754 was allocated to install a new sound system at Fuji Park. These improvements are now complete. Staff will present information regarding these improvements.
5. Discussion Only:
Staff reports and updates on matters relating to the RACC. (Hope Sullivan)
- Future agenda items for the next RACC meeting.
- RACC member reports and comments.
6. Public Comment:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
7. For Possible Action: Adjournment
Agenda Management Notice: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS – The Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee will, as called to order, each provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. Public comment will be taken at the beginning of the agenda before any action is taken and again at the end before adjournment. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Chair may call for or allow additional individual-item public comment at the time of the body’s consideration of the item when: (1) the comment will be provided from a person who is directly involved with the item, such as City staff or an applicant; or (2) it involves any person’s or entity’s due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person or topic at the discretion of the Chair in order to facilitate the meeting.
For Further Information
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
This agenda and supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City Website -
State Website -