Carson City
11/06/17 Agenda w/ Supporting Materials
Day: Monday
Date: November 6, 2017
Time: Beginning at 5:30 pm
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Determination of Quorum.
2. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
3. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - August 7, 2017
4. Meeting Items:
4.A For Possible Action: To elect a RACC Chair for the remainder of 2017.
Staff Summary: The RACC bylaws require the election of a Chair and Vice-Chair at the first RACC meeting of the calendar year. The formerly elected Chair resigned from the RACC, leaving a vacancy for the remainder of 2017. New elections for Chair and Vice-Chair will occur at RACC's first meeting in 2018.
4.B For Discussion Only: To provide a presentation regarding the 60% design of the Downtown Curry Streetscape Project and to improve the five cross streets between Carson Street and Curry Street from Musser to Robinson. (Dan Stucky;
Staff Summary: The Board of Supervisors approved the 60% design of the Downtown Curry Streetscape Project on October 19, 2017, and authorized funding for the project. The approval allows for the project to incorporate similar type and quality of streetscape improvements that were recently constructed along Carson Street for the Downtown Carson Streetscape Project. In addition to the streetscape improvements on Curry Street, staff plans to initiate the design of street beautification improvements for five east-west downtown streets between Carson Street and Curry Street (Robinson Street, Spear Street, Telegraph Street, Proctor Street and Musser Street) and the Telegraph to Spear alley. The improvements to the cross streets and alley are funded by $550,000 from the Redevelopment Revolving Fund. The proposed schedule is to incorporate all the above improvements into the Downtown Curry Streetscape Project and construct during the 2018 construction season.
4.C For Possible Action: To approve Redevelopment Christmas ornament themes for 2018-2020.
Staff Summary: Since 2003, the Carson City Redevelopment agency has annually created Christmas ornaments based on historic buildings in the City. These ornaments are sold for to local retailers, which then resell the ornaments to the public. Supervisor Lori Bagwell has taken on the task of coordinating ornament production over the last few years and is requesting guidance and approval from the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee on the ornament themes. The proposed themes for the following three years (2018-2020), respectively, are: The Wungnema House, the Western Nevada College Observatory, and the Stewart Indian School.
4.D For Possible Action: To make a recommendation to the Redevelopment Authority regarding the expenditure of $100,000 from the FY 2018 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for the Downtown Curry Streetscape Project, for a total of $350,000 from the FY 2018 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for the Project; and to provide direction to staff regarding the Redevelopment Revolving Fund allocation plan for unallocated funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. (Lee Plemel, Community Development Director)
Staff Summary: The purpose of this item is to review the current five-year Redevelopment Revolving Fund allocation plan and identify potential modifications to the allocation for upcoming years. This may include identifying new projects and/or programs to fund for the current or future years, depending on the availability of funds. The RACC will make final recommendations to the Redevelopment Authority regarding the FY 2019 Redevelopment Allocation Plan at its regular meeting on February 5, 2018. The proposed action will also authorize the allocation of $100,000 from FY 2017 budget savings into the Downtown Curry Streetscape Project to allow for the project completion in 2018.
5. Discussion Only:
a. Staff reports and updates on matters relating to the RACC. (Lee Plemel)
b. Future agenda items for the next RACC meeting.
c. RACC member reports and comments.
6. Public Comment**:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee, including any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.
7. For Possible Action: Adjournment.
** PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS: The Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. In addition, it is Carson City’s aspirational goal to also provide for item-specific public comment as follows: In order for members of the public to participate in the public body’s consideration of an agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to comment on an agenda item when called for by the Chair during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person or topic at the discretion of the Chair in order to facilitate the meeting.
Agenda Management Notice: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2101. Contact Krysten Haemel at 775-283-7080 or if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item. Supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Community Development office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at All written comments regarding an item must be submitted to the Community Development office by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the RACC meeting to ensure delivery to the Members before the meeting.
The Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee is pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who wish to attend the meeting and need assistance. If special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please notify Community Development in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2101, as soon as possible.
This agenda was posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library, 900 North Roop Street
Community Center-Sierra Room, 851 East William Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
This agenda is also available on the Carson City Website at
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